Monday, January 30, 2012

Etiquette for Men, Part One

We are at the beginning of a new year and I think it is very appropriate that I speak on a lost art: ETIQUETTE! I do not know what is going on with Today's Man but if you really sit down and look at the way we act in public, you would think we were raised by a pack of wolves and not in a civil society.  I like to think of myself as a gentleman but I know I occassionally fracture a rule here and there but I know I KNOW better so it is not habitual. 

This week I will take a look at some general etiquette rules and over the next couple of weeks I will expound into others areas like dining etiquette, business etiquette, etc.  Ladies, feel free to comment if you think something is missing.  I will even try to re-introduce some rules that have been lost in time.


1.  To a casual acquaintance you may nod without speaking and a nod should always be returned in recognition.  This rule has really disappeared since we live in a self-absorbed, selfish society! In certain areas in the South, this is still done but only among the elder statesmen.

2.  Between gentleman, an inclination of the hat, a gesture of the hand, or a mere touching of the hat is sufficient.  I still do this myself while walking the city streets.  More times than not, the nod is returned but usually by gentlemen older than me; guys my age and younger do not understand this was standard operating procedure at one time.


3.  Always be on time; even better, be early!  I swear to you, I think a memo went out that said being on time was being 15 minutes late.  It drives me crazy.  In addition, if you are going to be late, it is polite and customary to call and say this much.

4. Always be polite. Even if you do not like the person, there is no need to sink to their level, be the better man.

5. This one is going to be hard but cursing should be outlawed.  Ok, okay, let's say no cursing in public places or in mixed company.  I know I have a mouth like a pirate so this rule will be really tough for me.

6.  Do not speak loudly.  There is an old saying, "The loudest man in the room is usually the weakest man."  Why are you yelling on the phone on the train so everyone can hear your conversation?  Why are you yelling across the movie theater like you have lost your mind?

7. Do not lose your temper.  This is one I will have a little bit of trouble with!  When you lose your temper you are showing the world you cannot control your emotions.  If you cannot control yourself, how can you control anything else?

8.  Do not interrupt!  It is frustrating when people do not allow you to finish your statement.  Active listening is becoming a lost art!

9.  This one drives me nuts, do not spit!  Spitting is already disgusting but if you must, can we at least be discrete about it.  I suffer from allergies in the morning so in order to clear up my passages, I have to but I at least do it privately and certaintly not in front of ladies.

10.  Remove your hat indoors.  This rule has been basically fractured, broken, and burned.  Anything on your head should be removed once you enter a building.  And how bout you remove that Yankees' fitted while you are at the dinner table!!!!! Really, I already think New Yorkers are rude but are you just going to live it out right in front of me over my steak and potatoes????

I think we have gotten off to a good start.  I would be interested to know if some of these rules are even feasible this day in age...SPEAK OUT!


  1. Men: open doors...even the automatic ones :-). Hierarchy of communication: fb- least personal, txt - 2nd to least personal, phone - semi-personal, in person obviously personal.

  2. Since I live in Italy, crowded trains, buses, and hospitals are commonplace. How many times have I seen a young man sitting comfortably in a chair while an elderly person or pregnant woman are left standing. Like my dad would say, "Get off your hind-port and let the person sit." When the roles are reversed you'll be hoping that young man that sitting comfortably in his chair does the same for you.
